Weather Dubrovnik

Below the weather forecast for Dubrovnik for today and next days. Weather conditions are updated in real time.
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Today in Dubrovnik
few clouds
Right now there are 7 °C
8° C
8° C
8° C
8° C
8° C
WindESE 1.49
Humidity58 %
Cloudy11 %
Sunrise 07:15
Weather forecast in Dubrovnik for the next few days
Monday 23
Tuesday 24
Wednesday 25
Thursday 26
Friday 27
Saturday 28

Climate in Dubrovnik: best time to visit, weather by month, temperature

Weather conditions in real time and forecasts for the next few days in Dubrovnik. Climate in in Dubrovnik, when to go and average monthly temperatures.

Dubrovnik has hot, sultry, moderately dry summers and mild to cold, wet winters. From October to April, the bura wind blows cold gusts along the Adriatic coast and stormy conditions are common all year round, even in summer, when they interrupt the warm sunny days. Obviously, the best time to visit the Croatian city is in the spring and, even better, during the summer, to also enjoy beach holidays.

Winters are among the mildest of any Croatian city, with daytime temperatures around 13 °C (55 °F) in the coldest months. Snow in Dubrovnik is very rare.

Average annual temperatures

The hottest months of the year in Weather Dubrovnik are August and July, when the monthly average temperature reaches 29 °C, while the coldest months of March, December, January and February the thermometer drops up to 6 °C.

Max °C121314172125292825211714
Min °C66811141821211814108


In Weather Dubrovnik rainiest months of the year are December and November during which monthly rainfall average reaches 198 mm. On the other side, driest months are August and July when the average rainfall is reduced to 26 mm per month.


Average daily sunshine hours

May, June, July and August are sunniest months of the year. During that months, from sunrise to sunset there are 13 total sunshine hours in Weather Dubrovnik. In November, January and December sunshine hours are reduced to 5.


Sea temperature

Months of the year when sea water is warmer are July and August, average temperature is around 25 °C.
